To keep our teaching current we also travel throughout the year to various dance events to learn from the country's best trained professionals. Our goal is to provide you with the latest and best dance instruction to get you out on the social dance floor. We provide private & group instruction in country swing, 2-step, east coast swing, west coast swing, patterns, line and more. Check out our website pages for more information. Join us for a lesson or dance and you'll see that we're in it for the fun of dancing!
I began dancing in 2003. When I started dancing it was a real struggle to get my feet to go where my brain told them to go. My instructor couldn't understand why I didn't quit. Well, I persevered, and after many, many hours of practice, dancing is now my most enjoyable daily activity, along with pickleball. Because I struggled so much in the beginning I know just how difficult it is for some people to learn to dance. People told me I'd be a great candidate for teaching lessons, so I gave it a try, and it's been so satisfying!
My students say I have a lot of
patience with beginning dancers, and I provide enough instruction in a
variety of ways to make them successful. I also teach intermediate
line and partner dances, so we have a wide variety of dancers coming to the
lessons and dances. I also teach lessons in country swing, country 2-step, east coast swing, west coast swing, nightclub and pattern dances. Although I have been in competitions, my emphasis is on SOCIAL dancing. Because I'm not on the competitive track I am able to focus on how to be the best social dancer and instructor. If a pattern isn't working for you I can probably tell you what to do to make it right. As the commercial says, "I've seen (or done) almost everything, so I know how to fix almost anything (in dance)."
I have become addicted to dancing. I'm not only sharing my love of dancing and music by teaching, but now I am doing DJ jobs where I provide music at events and can also teach lessons to these groups.
I have DJ'd at the evening dances at the Portland Dance Festival. I have also taught line dancing and nightclub 2-step at the Sweetheart Jamboree in Seattle. It's quite an honor to be asked to teach at these national UCWDC events.
If I can help you with dance lessons or a DJ job, give me a call 208-941-4853 or send me an email.

I have danced most of my life, but only in 2005 did I really get the opportunity to learn couples dancing along with relearning line dancing. I LOVE IT! Now I not only travel to attend dances and workshops, but I also assist Randy with teaching lessons and DJ'ing dances. I put together the playlists for our dances and design our websites and fliers. I do most of the "behind the scenes" work for our dances, while Randy is the "front man." We make a pretty good team.
We attend workshops and private lessons when we can to learn the newest dance techniques and new dances from some of the world's greatest dancers, such as: Ronnie DeBenedetta, Marc Davidson & Sylvie Raymond, Mario Robau, Jeremy Bryan, Barry & Dari Anne Amato, Maryann Harvey, Chris & Becky Haynam, and Jo Thompson.
We have also attended conferences like the Peach State Dance Festival in Atlanta, Colorado Country Classic in Denver, Portland Dance Festival, the Eastern Dance Challenge in Herndon, Virginia; Calgary Dance Stampede, Frezno Dance Classic, Southbay Dance Fling in San Jose, Dallas Dance Festival, Albuquerque Dance Fiesta, Las Vegas Dance Finale, Sweetheart Jamboree in Bellevue, Washington, and Worlds in Nashville. We always seem to learn something new to be better instructors.
R2L2 Dance, Randy Lattimer, President, Country Dance, DJ and Lessons, Boise, Idaho 83642 (208) 941-4853